Category: Pet Care


10 Garden Plants That Could Poison Your Pets

No pet wants to remain cooped up indoors or in cages all the time, which is why you probably let your dog or cat explore the garden. Besides being an enjoyable activity to spend with your pet, it’s also useful for them to spend time outdoors where they can smell and experience new things. However, even your garden can be

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dogs love humans

Why Dogs Love Us More Than We Love Them

Many dog owners would do anything just to make their pets happy, healthy, and safe. One would not only make sure their dog’s basic needs are met. Many dog parents even make it a point to provide their pets with the best of things. Many invest in different training programs such as dog obedience training programs. Some will go to greater

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Trainer gives the husky dog a reward

Dog Training: Start Them Young

Many people love to play with puppies. They are cute, little fur balls of energy. Now, getting a puppy for your children can be a great way to teach them how to be responsible at an early age, as well. They will learn how to take care of their new pets by regularly feeding and bathing them, and taking them out

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dog on the grass looking up

Why Should You Train Your Dog?

Many people naturally love animals. Some of us even consider our pets as real members of the family. We give them comfortable (sometimes, luxurious) places to live in, with some going as far as providing them with a small private room. We take them to the veterinary clinic for routine check-ups, similar to how we bring our family members to a physician.

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Brown Lawn Alert, Myths, and Remedies

A browning lawn is alarming, but you can still save the grass. What can you do to keep the roots alive and revive a browning yard? Our lesson for today is proper and adequate watering. Let’s see if the watering practices you are accustomed to are really helping the grass, or if your erroneous methods are killing them instead. Shallow

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Maximize Your Outdoor Space by Creating a Rustic Garden Room

Studies have shown that spending time outdoors helps improve your mood and health. Researchers say exposure to green spaces lowers your blood pressure, heart rate, and boosts your mental health. Fortunately, you can experience these benefits even without leaving your home if you have a garden. And you can make the most of this outdoor space by sprucing it up. Make

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Why Rewards-Based Training is Best for Your Dog

Once you decide that you need to change or modify your dog’s undesirable behaviors, you also need to determine what kind of training method you want to use – a rewards or punishment-based training program, or a combination of both. Discipline-based dog training methods more often than not utilize punishments such as inflicting pain, taking away privileges, or other kinds

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