Pet Care : Keeping Your Pets Safe During a Major Home Renovation


Enduring the whole process of a major home remodeling is challenging. While we are dying to get a new look for our kitchen, bathroom, or living room, we have to keep in mind that our beloved pets have to endure this dreadful temporary situation as well.

Though some pets seem alright with high volume, many dog owners report that their dogs respond to loud noises with fear. These loud noises include thunder, fireworks, and noises down the street, ━ similar to the loud noise during home constructions.

There are plenty of reasons our pets fear loud noises. It could be due to conditioning, or maybe because of genetics. Of course, we do not want to encourage fear in our pets, so here are eight tips to consider to keep your pet safe while your home is undergoing a major renovation.

Find a Safe Place

Your beloved furry friend needs to be kept away from the work area for their own safety and the workers’ safety. If you consider keeping your dog at home while renovating, it is a great idea to let the workers meet your pet beforehand.

This initial interaction allows workers to see that your dog is friendly, and it also gives your dog a chance to be familiar with the workers. Here are some options you might also consider:

  • Keep your pets in a closed room during the day, and provide access to a fence run or catio.
  • Install a catio or fenced dog run a safe distance from the work area and line it with some privacy materials to block your pet’s view of the renovation.
  • Drop your beloved pets at a pet daycare center, whether every day or only during a major work.

Keep up Normal Routines

Your domesticated animals are creatures of habit, so it is imperative to keep up with your pets’ normal routine. Stick to their usual feeding and playtime. During a major home remodeling, it is never good to switch brands of food and treat or skip walks or change feeding schedules.

Know Your Pet

Some pets are highly sensitive to noise and can get pretty upset with work going on around the house. If that is the case, consider placing your pet in an area of your home as far away as possible from the work area. Play some classical music or put white noise on the loop to drown out the loud sounds from construction.

Get Your Pet Microchipped

The chances of your pet running away during a major construction are high. This can add up to the burden you are already experiencing at the moment. Thus, it is a smart move to have your pets microchipped before work begins. In case they run away, it would be much easier to find them.

Prevent Escape

With all the work going on in your house, your cat can sneak out without you knowing. To reduce the likelihood of this from happening, consider hanging a sign on the door that says, “Keep closed: cat inside.” That is why it is much better to place your cats in a room where workers do not have any access at all.


Talk to Your Contractor

Before starting the work, you must talk with your contractor, particularly regarding your pets’ safety during the whole remodeling process. Create a strategy of what everyone can do to keep everyone safe.

Inform the workers how many pets you have and have them agree to put away tools and other items before leaving the site each day. Apart from that, ask to be informed in advance of any large-order deliveries and major demolition days ahead so you can plan for a mini-getaway with your pets.

Spend More Time Outdoors

Taking a break from all the dust and noise from the renovation site is crucial to keep everyone’s sanity. Make sure to plan plenty of little outings during a major home remodeling. You and your pets need to get fresh air and some exercise. A stroll around the neighborhood or a visit to a park for a picnic would be great.

Deep Clean After Finishing

After the whole renovation process, clean every nook and cranny of any dust and grime. It is important to keep every surface clean from any hazardous dust to ensure your beloved pets’ safety. If you had a tree removed during the process, contact a tree stump company to take care of the remaining trunk.

What works for you when it comes to home renovation with pets? Please share it with us.

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